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National Himalayan Show Polices

  1. Any club desiring to host a National Himalayan Show shall submit their proposal to the AHRA Executive committee, through the Secretary/Treasurer, no later than  April 1st of two years preceding the proposed date. A copy of the proposal should also be submitted to the A.H.R.A. President. A form for use in submitting a bid to host the National Himalayan Show is available from the Secretary/Treasurer of the A.H.R.A.

  2. Proposals for the hosting of the National Himalayan Show shall include the following information in order that the Executive Committee may make an informed decision: Proposed date and location (Specific as to site and city), description of available facilities, travel information (Airports, major airlines, major highways) motel availability and proximity to show site, other shows to be held in conjunction with the national, and any other information the bidding group may consider helpful in making a decision.

  3. Once a bid is approved, the A.H.R.A. assumes no responsibility for the operation of the National Show, other than a donation of $100. Such payment shall be made to the sponsoring club no later than January 31st of the year in which the show is to be held.

  4. The A.H.R.A., upon presentation of the appropriate A.R.B.A. Sanction numbers, shall issue free Open and Youth sanctions for the national show to the sponsoring group. It is strongly suggested that the sponsoring group offer both open and youth sanctions.

  5. Awards, judge, and all other details of planning the national show shall be left to the discretion of the sponsoring organization.

  6. All entry fees, specials donations, and other funds received shall remain with the sponsoring organization.

  7. Publicity on the plans for the National Show shall be printed without charge in "The Himmie News." it shall, however be limited to 1 page per issue with the exception that the sponsor may choose one issue prior to the show to submit two pages plus an entry form.

  8. A full report of the national show shall be submitted to the A.H.R.A. Sweepstakes Chairperson on the approved Show Report Form, and a copy of such shall also be mailed to the Publicity Director for publication in "The Himmie News."

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